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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Sep 7, 2021

Pentatonic Pieces:

1 - Indian Classical Music: Raag Abhogi Kanada (C, D, E-flat, F, A) h

2 - Javanese Gamelan Ensemble - Pelog Barang - Singa Nebah (The Pouncing Lion) 

3 - Traditional Inca Music - panpipe 

4 - Andean Music 

5 - Scottish - For Ever Fortune - Scottish Music 18th Century - The Wawking of the Faulds 

6 - Shake that Bagpipe 

7 - Ethiopian Pentatonic - Asnakech Worku - great diva from Ethiopia with her lyra performing Arada 


Afternoon Ti

Instagram: @highafternoonti


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