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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Mar 26, 2019

In Part II, Dr. Ryan Fisher shares about his research on the male singing voice.  In the previous episode (Part I), he shared about teaching the male singer during the transitional period, teaching with falsetto vs. lower range, and ideas for taking care of our voices.

Afternoon Ti Website: 

Mar 26, 2019

In Part I, Dr. Ryan Fisher shares information about the male singing voice and ideas for how to work with students during the transitional voice period.  In Part II, you'll hear about his research on the male voice, research on falsetto vs. lower range singing for male teachers in the classroom, and how to take care...

Mar 19, 2019

Natasha Thurmon shares ways to introduce the recorder to students and how to incorporate alto and tenor recorders.  You'll hear tips on how to help students with tone and breathing, as well as ideas for how to use the recorder in our classrooms.  

At the end of the episode, we talk about our love for running, how to...

Mar 12, 2019

In this episode, I will continue talking with Terry Boyarsky about Dalcroze Eurythmics.  Terry shares about notation, song material, working with older students, and more.  

Terry's website:

Afternoon Ti website:


Intro/Outro Music:

Our Big Adventure by Scott...

Mar 12, 2019

In this episode, you'll hear all about Dalcroze Eurythmics with Terry Boyarsky.  Terry has a wealth of experience using the Dalcroze Approach with teachers and students.  In Part I, she shares about her experience learning the approach, information about Jacques Dalcroze and takes us through the process of using the...