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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Mar 26, 2019

In Part I, Dr. Ryan Fisher shares information about the male singing voice and ideas for how to work with students during the transitional voice period.  In Part II, you'll hear about his research on the male voice, research on falsetto vs. lower range singing for male teachers in the classroom, and how to take care of our voices as teachers.  

Dr. Fisher is the Associate Professor of Music Education and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the College of Communications and Fine Arts at the University of Memphis in Memphis, TN.  He earned his Bachelor of Music Education from Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, his Masters of Music in Choral Conducting and PhD in Music Education from the University of North Texas. His writings have been published in various journals including Journal of Research in Music Education, Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, and Update: Applications of Research in Music Education.

Afternoon Ti:

Intro/Outro Music:

Our Big Adventure by Scott Holmes