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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Apr 5, 2022

When I first taught ukuleles, I kept myself one lesson ahead of students as I figured out how to play new chords before teaching them to my students.  It's an absolute joy to play and students love it!  

In today's episode I share a few things that can help get you started, teaching ideas to consider, and great songs to use for beginners.

Links for items shared in today's episode:

Ukulele Picks Link

Baritone Ukulele YouTube Tuner

Soprano Ukulele YouTube Tuner

Ukestuff Link

Ukeplayalongs Link

Lost Boy Song Link Link


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Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music Book and Journal: Amazon

Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music Book and Journal: Fflat Books

Intro/Outro Music: Our Big Adventure by Scott Holmes