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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

May 31, 2022

What is elemental music?  And how do we use the idea of elemental music with our students?  Kate Bright shares a wealth of ideas for implementing elemental ideas with students including Chrome Music Lab, building blocks, ostinati, rondo form, and children’s books including Kate’s first book release with F-Flat books this summer called Just Like the Moon.  You’ll also hear about ACEMM’s summer book study that will be happening on Thursday nights from 7:30-8:30pm EST. 

Instagram: @missbrightmusic

Kate's Website

Elemental Adventures Website


ACEMM Book Study


Afternoon Ti:

Follow Jessica on Instagram at @highafternoonti

Afternoon Ti Website

Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music Book and Journal: Amazon

Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music Book and Journal: Fflat Books

Intro/Outro Music: Our Big Adventure by Scott Holmes