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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Apr 26, 2022

If you want a starting point for beginning to use Dalcroze in the classroom or you've used the approach for years, you'll want to listen in to this conversation with Anthony Molinaro.  Ideas shared include anti-clapping, Super Do-Re-Mi, and movement as music.

Anthony is currently serving as the Board Chair of the Dalcroze Society of America and has been a National Event Presenter on Dalcroze Pedagogy.  He is a Carnegie Mellon University teaching artist and has been a public school music educator for over 15 years.  He is the co-host of a podcast called “The New Dalcrozian” and writes a SubStack called MusicXT, Moments in Movement.  


Anthony's Substack

The New Dalcrozian Podcast

DalcrozeUSA Website


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Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music Book and Journal: Amazon

Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music Book and Journal: Fflat Books

Intro/Outro Music: Our Big Adventure by Scott Holmes