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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Nov 21, 2023

If you’re wanting to incorporate centers into your music room, Becca Davis is the perfect person to talk to!  She’s here to share how she prepares students for centers, the four expectations she has for students during centers, some great ideas for setting up centers, and she shares a few favorite center ideas you...

Nov 14, 2023

Social-Emotional Learning, or SEL, is a topic that has been discussed in educator circles more frequently in the past several years.  So what exactly is it?  How can we teach SEL skills through music learning and musical listening?  And what are some lesson ideas that we can incorporate into our classrooms that infuse...

Nov 7, 2023

When I first started teaching middle school general music, I had no idea about how to incorporate peer leadership into my music classroom.  I was comfortable with group work, centers, and whole group teaching, but didn’t know quite how to teach students how to teach each other.  A huge thanks to music educator Chris...