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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Oct 25, 2022

Loops pedals.  Viola.  Art.  Music.  Empathy and Connection.  Kathryn Patricia is sharing about all of these art forms today as we discuss blending music and art, sound journals, growing connection in our community and expressing our emotions through music.



Oct 18, 2022

Dr. Sarah Gulish is a phenomenal human being who serves in many roles as Co-founder of F-Flat books, music educator, author, publisher, wife, mom, friend and more that I’m sure I have just forgotten to share.  All of us serve in our work and our life and it can appear that we’re “doing it all” but the reality is...

Oct 11, 2022

Canva is one of my favorite tech tools.   I’m excited for you to meet Janice Wintermyer, a Canva Learning Consultant, who is here to share how Canva can be used in the music classroom.  You'll hear about features within Canva and gain some general lesson ideas to use with students.  Be sure to follow Janice on...

Oct 4, 2022

Franklin Willis is an incredible educator, encourager, and leader in music education.  We met up at the FABSS Conference, hosted by F-Flat Books, to discuss an array of topics: joy in the classroom, student-teacher interaction, self-reflection, music creation, and more.  Franklin is full of wisdom, compassion, and joy....