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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Aug 27, 2019

This summer I attended the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference in Philadelphia, PA with coworkers and friends Amanda Neuschafer and Marcela Uribe.  We’ll share our favorite sessions, technology ideas, and why attending a technology conference is worth your time.

Amanda Neuschafer is a...

Aug 20, 2019

One of the most influential and brilliant educators that I've had the privilege of learning from is Lane Harder.  He is the professor of composition and music theory at Southern Methodist University, as well as being a percussionist and composer.  In this episode you'll hear about his musical experiences...

Aug 13, 2019

What is pedagogy?  How do we look at sequencing?  And what musical approaches? We'll talk about all of this plus you'll find out about The Sequencing Solution.  Today's guest is Anne Mileski and she shares with us about #allthethings.

Anne Mileski is an elementary music specialist in Eastern Washington.  She has taught...

Aug 6, 2019

As we get ready to head back into school mode, everything today will be in 3's: 3 topics and 3 ideas to consider within those topics.

1- Those First Few Classes

2- Lesson Planners: Paper, Online, and Personal

3- Mindset



Elan Planner: 

Simplified Planner: