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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Oct 22, 2019

While I know that Zoltan Kodály may have not have been the educator who created the lesson sequence I use or the idea of transitioning from one folk song to another, my Kodály training provided me with more information on how to use the materials that I teach and what to do with them.  

Kodály was the inspiration for indexing songs because he dictated the song material of his culture and collected the musical pieces.  For this I'm grateful because I have the knowledge of WHY we should create a song index and the value that it provides.  And why dictating the songs into master copies helps me to understand the meaning behind them and the concepts that can be taught within them.

Listen in to hear why I'm thanking Kodály for these three things:

1- lesson sequencing

2- transitions

3- master copies


Afternoon Ti Podcast


Instagram:  @highafternoonti


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