Sep 27, 2022
FREEBIE!! Want a free 90 day trial of Soundtrap? Simply head to the Soundtrap website and use the code: AFTERNOONTI
Soundtrap provides many options for student voice and choice. Becky Barrett is sharing about her experience using Soundtrap in the classroom with students. She worked alongside another colleague, 6th grade teacher Kim Campbell, to guide students from creating their first 60 second podcast episode about themselves to more in-depth episodes that allowed students to choose their topic.
Becky Barrett is a former technology integrationist, classroom teacher, and student voice enthusiast from Dallas, TX. When designing campus initiatives and classroom projects, Becky seeks to make engaging and student-centered experiences to ignite learning but also have real-world applications that students can take beyond their classroom walls and into their future. When she began integrating Soundtrap for Education into her campus, a passion for podcasting was born in not only her students but also herself!
Twitter: @BeckyEdu
Follow Jessica Grant:
Instagram: @highafternoonti