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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Jun 1, 2022

The Confident Music Educator Course opens today!!  Danielle Larrick and I have teamed together to bring you an incredible course this summer called The Confident Music Educator for music teachers of upper elementary and middle school general music.  Join us in learning strategies to teach older students, lesson ideas, curriculum planning, and so much more!  The course is $75 and opens today on June 1, 2022 .  Check it out HERE!

As summer starts, our family is using a weekly menu and a list of fun things to do to help simplify decision making and provide our girls with options when they are bored or need ideas for what to do when friends come over.  Use the links below for inspiration to simplify your summer as well!

Weekly Menu

Fun Things List


Afternoon Ti:

Follow Jessica on Instagram at @highafternoonti

Afternoon Ti Website

Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music Book and Journal: Amazon

Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music Book and Journal: Fflat Books

Intro/Outro Music: Our Big Adventure by Scott Holmes