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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Sep 17, 2019

What you feel and think has value which means your time has value.  This was shared with me by Jennie Marx, our Dean of Students at GSES, and is a great way to think about self-care.  Finding ways to make room for self-care during the school year can help you value yourself - how you think and feel - and value your time as a result.

In this episode, you'll hear how I began to make room for self-care when I wasn't taking care of myself the way I should have been.  Then I gathered some friends and coworkers from school together in a group text message to find out how they make room for self-care and their ideas are here!

Special thanks to Lori, Jennie, Emily, Catherine, Julieta, Marcela, Kim, and Kristen!  


Afternoon Ti Links:


Instagram- @highafternoonti


Intro/Outro Music

Our Big Adventure by Scott Holmes