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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Aug 27, 2019

This summer I attended the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference in Philadelphia, PA with coworkers and friends Amanda Neuschafer and Marcela Uribe.  We’ll share our favorite sessions, technology ideas, and why attending a technology conference is worth your time.

Amanda Neuschafer is a Second Grade elementary educator at Good Shepherd Episcopal School in Dallas, TX.  She presented a session called Design Thinking + SEH: Empathy and Resilience in the Elementary Classroom at the ISTE Conference in 2019.

Marcela Uribe is a middle school Spanish educator at Good Shepherd Episcopal School in Dallas, TX.  





Sylvia Duckworth: @sylviaduckworth

Jen Giffen: @VirtualGiff

Jen Leban: @mrsleban

Ashley Kolaya: @ashleykolaya


Afternoon Ti:


Instagram: @highafternoonti


Intro/Outro Music

Our Big Adventure by Scott Holmes