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How to Teach Music with Jessica Grant

Aug 20, 2019

One of the most influential and brilliant educators that I've had the privilege of learning from is Lane Harder.  He is the professor of composition and music theory at Southern Methodist University, as well as being a percussionist and composer.  In this episode you'll hear about his musical experiences with composition and the composition process.

Lane Harder is a professor at SMU, percussionist, and composer.  He has earned degrees from Southern Methodist University, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Texas.  He completed a year of resident study at Kings College in London and earned three certificat de stage from EAMA (European American Musical Alliance Summer Program in Paris, France.  His works have been performed by the Meadows Symphony Orchestra, Peabody Opera Theatre, Bachanalia Chamber Orchestra, Percussion Group 72 (Japan), Ju Percussion Group (Taiwan), The University of Texas New Music Ensemble, and many other artists in North America, Europe, and Asia.  His original music and transcriptions are published by Universal Edition, KPP, Rassel Editions of New York, and Alternate Chords.  He is a member of ASCAP.

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