Jun 4, 2019
Health Series Episode #2: Kelly Cullen will share all about detoxing - what a detox is, how we can remove toxins from our bodies and homes, and things to consider.
Kelly is a Naturopath, holistic health practitioner, nutritional consultant and weight loss specialist. Kelly studied at Eastern Michigan University, the Blue Heron Academy of Healing Arts and Sciences and received her certification as a naturopathic practitioner from the Trinity School of Natural Health. She is passionate about helping people reach their full health potential. Kelly has a holistic health practice in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She is married to her Dublin-born sweetheart and has three children.
Disclaimer: Always contact your doctor first about your health. The information shared here may not apply to everyone and is not meant to take the place of a plan that you and your doctor have in place.
Kelly's Website: https://www.kellycullennd.com/
Afternoon Ti:
Blog: https://afternoonti.blogspot.com
Instagram: @highafternoonti
Email: highafternoonti@gmail.com
Intro/Outro Music:
Our Big Adventure by Scott Holmes